For intellectually matured audience!
"You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation." His Holiness Karl Lagerfeld

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What a racket

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain have recalled their ambassadors from Syria for consultations. Saudi King Abdullah says that he is not comfortable with what is happening in Syria and that the Syrian President Bashar al Asad must stop the killing machine. Although it is true that what the Syrian regime is doing is criminal and inhuman, it is ironic that countries like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain will show displeasure.

It was only a few months ago, Bahrain crushed its own people to silence them. Not only that, Saudi soldiers and armored personnel carriers rolled into the streets of Bahrain to help crush the uprising. Earlier, the Saudi King had come to the rescue of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak when he was under fire by his people. In fact, he encouraged him to crush them with an iron fist as if he needed any advice since he had already been doing just that for the past three decades.

The real reason behind discomfort is not for the sake or love of humanity; instead, it is because of their disdain for Iran and its cozy relationship with Syria. Blood is still flowing freely on the streets in Libya but the Saudi King has no discomfort with that.

And still reeling from the downing of one of its helicopters in Afghanistan, the Americans are crying that the weapons being used by Taliban are coming from Iran. Well, why cry about weapons when weapons make up a multibillion dollar industry. And what are weapons being manufactured for in the first place… fight Aliens? History is witness to the fact that whatever weapons the mortal beings create, they willingly use it on fellow humans even if it be nuclear weapons as was the case in Japan where not one but two nuclear bombs were dumped.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan met with the Saudi King just the other day and he was encouraging the King to buy weapons made in Pakistan. Americans have been freely giving weapons to Israel with painful ramifications for Palestinians, while aggressively pushing other foreign governments to buy American weapons worth billions of dollars; Taiwan is a good example.

So, you all out there just know that these weapons and political tactics are all on display not for your safety or security; instead, it is all about power and jockeying for power. The fact of the matter is that at the end of the day, the weapons kill more ordinary people than the rich or the rulers.

Unfortunately, it is one big game board with you all mortal beings just the pawns, dancing to the tune of the puppeteers and getting killed in the process mercilessly.

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