For intellectually matured audience!
"You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation." His Holiness Karl Lagerfeld

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Unholy Media

After presenting his thesis on evolution, my Humble Follower has gone silent. Perhaps he is awaiting the next phase of evolution to document for the benefit of mortal beings. And while the Humble Follower is probably on his holy sabbatical, the humble Holyman is bringing to you another hot topic that of media which we the holy beings can watch from up here through our holy mystical channels.

Media provides you with sensational stories making you believe what it wants you to believe whether it has anything to do with truth or not. One moment, it makes you jump to conclusion one way and the other moment the other way. Let us face it, regardless of what media says about being in the business of providing public with truth, the fact remains that the bottom line is about financial gains. Media organizations are business organizations first and then anything else. If they do not generate enough revenues, they too will vanish from the scene just like any other organization. In order to stay in business, they then have to provide you all mortal beings with enough sensationalism to get you interested in a story so that they can milk the story to the max.

However, the other dangerous trend is presenting stories with such a twist that the message conveyed is what perhaps the media wants you to believe. Unfortunately, this is what happens most of the time especially with some of the major issues. And ironically, majority of mortal beings continue to fall prey to such twisted slants to the stories believing and trusting media for providing them with truth.

Instead of believing what is been thrown at you round the clock, the prudent way forward will be for one to educate oneself on a particular issue by approaching the matter from every possible angle, dissecting the issue while listening to the story from all perspectives, so that one can possibly get closer to the truth and do not end up wrongfully believing whatever the media or any entity behind it trying to make you believe.

Truth is a holy business. And even mortal beings have a right to know the truth. Therefore, do not let anyone twist it for you for their own gains.

Better yet, it is about time media starts to behave in a truthful way presenting only the facts while respectfully leaving the mortal beings to formulate their own opinions.

Welcome note: A warm welcome to "Journal" the new follower of the holyman circus. As promised Journal gets a free pass to heaven. May the holy be with you.

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