For intellectually matured audience!
"You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation." His Holiness Karl Lagerfeld

Monday, June 13, 2011

Guru Speaks!

As my Humble Follower has correctly pointed out, he too has become holy. And it is in the spirit of this ‘holy-ness’ that Guru did a vanishing act because it was only considered appropriate to let the Humble Follower do the inaugural post. So, yes the inaugural post fell on Humble Follower’s shoulders but then his shoulders have shown great strength as evidenced through his shining inaugural post. But is it not what he wanted to do in the first place: “to bark in the sunshine of fame and fortune.”

Just look at how eloquently and rationally he has proven to you that he has to be the Humble Follower and cannot be the Guru because you have never seen ‘two Heads’ anywhere. And yet as we look around, we find that this is precisely what exists all around us. We have created divisions within divisions and these divisions have their own Heads. And then these Heads go at each other which in turn create more divisions and chaos and more Heads emerge and so the cycle of Heads and chaos continues. One wonders when the “Head Game” will end and sanity will return.

By the way, did you notice how clever my Humble Follower is? He says that we will not use a specific word because we are ESB and yet he goes on and repeatedly uses “the word that needs not be used.” And he does not stop at that. He then conjures up another way of expressing “the word that needs not be used” by using a “blank”. And since he has already described to you what his “blank” means, does it even matter whether to use “the word that needs not be used” or not. ESB for sure but with a clever twist because the Humble Follower thinks he can get away with this because you will not notice what he is trying to do.

Do you know what my Humble Follower did when the Holy Guru told him that the blog was inaccessible? Well, he immediately went into a frantic emotional tantrum, trying and promoting a specific system and service from a specific manufacturer. His aggressiveness was no different than the lobbyists who go to extreme lengths to ensure that the special vested interests remain protected and the power centers remain within the clutches of those with money.

Anyway, now that his underlying cleverness has been exposed, you are cautioned not to let him influence you with what he wants you to think about his Holy Guru. By providing you with his false version of events, he is trying to make you believe in what he wants you to believe. Humble Follower’s tactics remind one of those employed by the media, giving you half truths and stories, or stories with a slant towards what it wants you to believe. Do not be so gullible to accept whatever the Humble Follower has to say. Instead, exercise your good judgment and form your own opinion.

In any case, we are not here to dissect what each one of us holy beings have to say; instead, we are here to share our unbiased and rational views on a broad range of issues that are relevant to life and human condition with the hope of making a change in some small way in human understanding globally. The Circus has begun and only time will tell how much of a holy progress we make towards the stated holy objective.

And although the Holy Guru may appear to vanish without a trace from time to time, he always remains only a click away. While you are here, enjoy all the fun the Circus has to offer and let the holy acts light up your heart with hope, excitement, and understanding. 

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